Page 4 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 4

4                                                                                 Issue 61  •  December 2022


             Free Christmas bus travel

             Why shop online when you can get
             all your Christmas gifts in Worcester?

             And to make it easier than ever,
             Worcester City Council has got
             together with First Bus to offer free

             bus travel on Saturday 10 December.

             So leave the car at home and head into town by bus to
             get all your festive presents, decorations and trimmings
             from our city’s unique collection of big name brands and
             independent traders.

             The free travel is for one day only on Saturday 10
             December on these routes to the city centre: 30, 31, 32,
             34, 35, 36, 38, 44, 45, 417, 144 (the Saltroad) and X50.

             More information on First Bus routes in Worcester:

             Worcester waves

             the purple flag

             Worcester city centre has been
             awarded the prestigious Purple

             Flag accreditation for its evening
             and night-time economy.

             The Purple Flag is a        Awarded by the Association   profile of the city and it is   businesses in first aid, the
             nationwide award that       of Town and City           hoped it will attract more   use of automated external
             recognises Worcester        Management (ATCM),         visitors to visit the area, thus   defibrillators (AEDs), and the
             as a safe and vibrant       Purple Flag accreditation   boosting the local economy.  treatment of catastrophic
             destination for dining,     is similar to the Green Flag                           bleeding, as well as
             entertainment and culture   award for parks and is     Worcester BID has also      installing five new AED
             between the hours of        awarded to towns and city   been working to improve    kits in late licensed venues
             5pm and 5am.                centres that meet or surpass   community safety by training   around the city.
                                         the standards of excellence
             In celebration of the       in managing the evening
             award, Christmas lights     and night-time economy.
             in New Street and Friar
             Street this year are        Town and city centres
             featuring purple colours.   that receive a Purple      photography courtesy of worcester bid
                                         Flag are classed as
             The accreditation           safe, diverse, vibrant,
             process in Worcester        appealing, well-managed
             was led by Worcester        and offer a positive        Pictured L-R Laura Blake from
             BID, in partnership with    experience to visitors.     the ATCM, Glo Hawthorn
             Worcester City Council,                                 and Crystal Thompson from
                                                                     Worcester BID receiving
             West Mercia Police and      Worcester’s Purple Flag     the city’s Purple Flag at a
             other city organisations.   status will help raise the   ceremony in Ireland

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