Page 3 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 3                                                                                    3

          Welcome                                                                    4-5:    News

                                                                                     7:     Joint Leader’s message
          2022 has been a difficult year in    alone, see page 10 to find out what
          some ways, with the steep rise in the   help is available.                 10-11:   Cost of Living –
          cost of living leaving many people                                                Christmas on a budget
          concerned for the months ahead. But   Environmental Sustainability remains a
          the festive season is a time to enjoy   top priority for the City Council – see   12-13:   Sustainable Worcester -
          the company of friends and family,   p.12-13 to find out more about how           carbon action plan
          and there are plenty of ways to      we are tackling carbon emissions and
          celebrate that needn’t                                also how you can     14-15:   The changing face of
          cost the earth.                                       reduce your own             Worcester
                                                                carbon footprint.
          Here in Worcester                                     We all have a part   16-17:   Festive local history quiz
          we are fortunate to                                   to play.             22-23:   What’s on in Worcester
          have lots of seasonal                                                             this winter
          entertainment                                         We were pleased
          on offer – from                                       to welcome           24:     What’s on in
          the Christmas                                         Ukrainian guests            Worcestershire Museums
          markets to this                                      to our city this year
          year’s pantomime,                                    and to see them       26:     New Escape Room at
          Cinderella.                                          being offered a              The Commandery
                                                               warm Worcester
          There are also                                       welcome. They have    27:     Community Life
          plenty of free                                       settled in well and
          events which you                                     we were pleased       28:     A helping hand for
          and your family can                                  to be able to help           Ukrainian guests
          enjoy without any                                   provide workshops
          pressure on your                                    for those Ukrainians   29:     Grants that make a
          purse – the Cathedral’s ever-popular   interested in setting up their own small   difference
          Christmas tree festival promises to   businesses. See p.28 to find out more.
          be a glittering success once again                                         Worcester City Council does not accept
          and there are a whole host of carol   I would like to wish you and your    responsibility for or endorse any products
          concerts and community events on     family health and happiness for the   or services offered by advertisers. All
          offer. Find out more about these and   year ahead.                         information correct at time of printing.
          other events on p.22-23.                                                   All event details correct at the time of
                                               David Blake                           going to press.
          If you are struggling financially,   Managing Director                     Printed on environmentally friendly
          please be aware that you are not     Worcester City Council                paper from renewable sources. When
                                                                                     you have finished with this magazine
                                                                                     please recycle it.

          BENGALI                              PUNJABI                               Worcester City Life is designed and
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                                                                                     printed by: KM Media & Marketing.
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                                                                                     Front cover image:
                                                                                     Worcester Cathedral in winter – photo
                                                                                     courtesy of Worcester Cathedral

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