Page 15 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
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          Worcester’s largest development project

          Worcester’s landscape is changing    creating jobs for local people and    Work is well underway
          as buildings begin to go up at the   providing new opportunities, including   at Sherriff’s Gate
          Sherriff’s Gate site in Shrub Hill. The   apprenticeships. The number of
          scheme is the start of a £150 million   workers at the site is expected to
          project to transform the Shrub Hill area   reach around 150 by the end of
          and bring hundreds of jobs to the city.  December.

          The first phase of the scheme, the   Included in the scheme will be the
          building of 213 apartments, is now   building of hundreds of new homes,
          progressing swiftly.                 including affordable housing, plus a
                                               hotel, gym, multi-storey car park, cafes
          The work will be carried out in phases   and restaurants, a multi-screen cinema
          over the next three to four years,   and ten-pin bowling.

          Have your say on homes blueprint

          for south Worcestershire

          Now is the time for you    through strategic growth
          to have your say on a      sites at Worcestershire
          key planning document      Parkway, Throckmorton,
          that will shape the future   Rushwick, and Mitton.
          development of south
          Worcestershire.            The public are being asked
                                     to comment on whether
          The revised South          they consider the review of
          Worcestershire             the South Worcestershire
          Development Plan (SWDP)    Development Plan is sound
          has been jointly prepared   and legally compliant.
          by Worcester City, Malvern
          District and Wychavon      Comments can be made
          councils, and allocates land   until 11.59pm on Tuesday   the provision of sites for   Rushwick; together with
          for 13,240 additional new   13 December 2022 at        travellers and travelling   sites on each of the urban
          homes and 290.7 hectares   www.swdevelopmentplan.      showpeople. Again, the      extensions at Worcester
          of employment land, to be   org.                       consultation runs until     South and Worcester West.
          delivered by 2041.                                     December 13.
                                     Once the consultation                                   Interested parties are
          This will help meet the    closes, all comments will be   A new Development        being asked to comment
          Government requirement     passed on to the national   Plan Document proposes      on whether they believe
          to allocate land to build   Planning Inspectorate. A   additional travellers’ pitches   the Development Plan
          26,360 new homes           series of public hearings   on two existing sites at    Document is sound and
          and 350.5 hectares of      may also be held where      Newlands in Malvern, and    legally compliant.
          employment land across     those who have responded    Charlton, near Pershore.
          south Worcestershire from   to this consultation will   Two existing sites at      To comment, go to www.
          2021 to 2041.              have the chance to make     Aldington and Evesham are
                                     representations and ask     also allocated in case the   and select ‘Consultations’.
          Not all sites in the revised   questions. It is expected   latest planning permissions   Download and fill in the
          Plan are new, with some    the plan will be formally   lapse.                      comment form, then submit
          being carried over from the   adopted by the three South                           it by email or by post.
          last version of the SWDP   Worcestershire councils in   New sites are also
          and sites that already have   late 2023.               proposed on the new and     Paper copies for both
          planning permission being                              expanded settlements        consultations are also
          taken into account.        SITES FOR TRAVELLERS        outlined in the revised     available from customer
                                     Worcester City, Malvern     South Worcestershire        contact centres (including
          NEW HOUSING                Hills District and Wychavon   Development Plan (SWDP)   the Guildhall), local libraries
          The majority of the new    District Councils are also   at Worcestershire Parkway,   and some parish and town
          housing will be met        inviting comments on        Throckmorton, and           council offices.

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