Page 10 - City Life Magazine - Winter Edition
P. 10

10                                                                                Issue 61  •  December 2022

                   COST OF LIVING
             Helping you through

             difficult times

             As the cost of living continues to rise, Worcester residents are
             reminded that there is help and support available.

             Many people are finding their finances
             hard to juggle at the present time,
             even those who have not previously
             needed support. Families and the
             elderly are among those who are
             struggling the most. If you are affected,
             don’t sit alone and worry – there is
             a range of help, advice and support
             available for Worcester residents.

             Worcester City Council, together with
             numerous other organisations, held a
             second cost of living conference last
             month to work together to provide
             even more support for people hardest
             hit by financial worries.

             If you, or someone you know is in need   A second cost of living conference was
             of support then it is worth taking a look   held last month in Worcester’s Guildhall
             to see what help is available.
                                                  If you don’t have online access,     in the Guildhall 9am-4pm Monday,
             FIND OUT MORE                        you can call into the Citizens       Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; or
             For more information on help that    Advice Bureau in The Hopmarket       9.30am-4pm Wednesday.
             might be available, plus contact     on a Tuesday or Thursday,
             details for independent advice, go to   9.30am-midday.                    Worcestershire County Council
                                           is funding free school meals for
             Here you will find a wealth of       Alternatively, phone Worcester City   eligible pupils throughout the
             information including numerous links to   Council’s customer services team on   Christmas holidays. Find out more at
             useful websites.                     01905 722233, or call in to see them

              WORCESTER                 out more at worcester.       WARM HUBS
              FOODBANK         or call      Looking for somewhere to stay warm for a while?
              Part of a nationwide      0808 2082138 for free.       There are designated warm hubs around the
              network of foodbanks,                                  Worcester area where you can drop in for a hot drink,
              supported by The          DONATE                       charge your phone and use the wifi. Locations include
              Trussell Trust, Worcester   If you are able to spare   libraries and community centre - find one near you at
              Foodbank provides         a few pounds, why not
              food, travel vouchers     make a donation or pop
              and essential items such   a few extra food items      AGE UK WORCESTER AND MALVERN DISTRICT
              as toiletries and school   in your trolley to give to   Age UK Worcester and Malvern Hills can distribute
              uniforms to residents who   the Foodbank instead of    cash and vouchers to those most in need. Eligible
              are referred to them. Find   sending Christmas cards   applicants are people over 66 who are eligible for
                                        this year?                   attendance allowance, who are on a low income
                                                                     (less than £18,000 a year), or who are just above the
                                        Find out more and            pension credit criteria.
                                        download a shopping list
                                        at worcester.foodbank.       Find out more at
                                           or call 01905 724294.

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