Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2022
P. 7                                                                                    7

                                                                                    JOINT LEADER’S MESSAGE

                                              Dear residents,                      able to find a range of further ways
                                                                                   in which the Council can help ease
                                              This year’s elections have come and   the burden on residents and local
                                              gone and once more no one party      businesses. If you have any specific
                                              has a majority on Worcester City     ideas on what we can locally do to
                                              Council. This has been the case      help, then please do get in touch with
                                              for much of my 21 years on the       me or one of your local councillors.
                                              Council and means that councillors
                                              of differing political persuasions   Finally, I want to pay tribute to all
                                              will need to work together and       those residents across Worcester who
                                              find compromises to get things       have offered to open up their homes
                                              done. This is no bad thing and, in my   to those fleeing the terrible atrocities
                                              experience, brings out some of the   in Ukraine. I’m sure like all of you, I
                                              best in local government.            never thought we would see such
                                                                                   events happening again, especially so
          Marc Bayliss                        One of the changes we have made      close to home. The strength of feeling
                                              to the constitution is to allow for joint   the war has generated and the desire
                                              leaders from the two largest parties.   to do something to help has been
                                              As of writing this, the second largest   truly heart-warming. Ukrainian guests
                                              party, Labour, has not yet taken up   have been arriving in the UK for a few
                                              their position but I certainly hope   weeks now and I have been fortunate
                                              they will as we have some significant   enough to meet some locally. They
                                              challenges to meet this year, including:   really are such lovely people whose
                                              supporting people with their costs of   lives have been ripped apart by this
                                              living; shaping our bid for up to £20   totally unnecessary war.
                                              million of Levelling Up funding, and
                                              delivering the £43 million of projects   Thank you to all those Worcester
                                              we have already secured from the     residents who are helping support
                                              Government. In my view we need       our Ukrainian visitors and making their
                                              the collective wisdom and efforts of   time with us as positive and enjoyable
                                              all 35 councillors focused on working   as possible. Unfortunately, the war
                                              together if we are going to deliver for   shows no sign of stopping so we need
                                              the people of Worcester.             to prepare ourselves to continue our
                                                                                   efforts for as long as necessary. If you
                                              At the top of my “to do list” is how   can help in any way please do get in
                                              we support residents and families    touch with either the City or County
                                              with the cost of living challenges   councils, or go to
                                              that many are facing. The Council    Ukraine to find out more. We can all
                                              is already supporting the effort by   do our bit to help!
                                              distributing the £150 Council Tax
                                              rebate to eligible households, as well   Kind regards,
                                              as having discretionary monies to    Marc
                                              support those in need but who don’t
                                              fit the national criteria. But we need   Councillor Marc Bayliss
                                              to do more and I hope we will be     Joint Leader – Worcester City Council

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