Page 4 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2022
P. 4

4                                                                                      Issue 59  •  June 2022




               new Mayor                                                                          SIGN UP FOR

                                                                                                  CITY RUNS

                                                                                                 The Worcester City
                                                                                                 Runs return bigger
                                                                                                 and better than ever
                                                                                                 for a full weekend on
                                                                                                 Saturday and Sunday,
                                                                                                 3-4 September.
                                                                                                 The eighth Worcester City
                                                                                                 10K and Half Marathon
                                                                                                 will set off on Sunday
                                                                                                 morning, alongside
                                                                                                 the popular Junior Run
             Councillor Adrian Gregson has been sworn in                                         returning at 8.45am.
             as the new Mayor of Worcester, taking over the                                      Paula Radcliffe’s Families

             chain of office from Cllr Stephen Hodgson.                                          on Track, the fun family
                                                                                                 relay event, will take place
                                                                                                 at Worcester Racecourse
             Cllr Gregson said: “I am    was Mayor of Glossop in    In his professional life he   on the Saturday.
             pleased and humbled to      the 1940s and who was      works for Worcestershire
             have been elected to the    known as the musical       County Council as the        With so much going on,
             position of Mayor by my     mayor, I have decided that   County and Diocesan        why not bring the whole
             colleagues on the City      my theme this year will    Archivist. He has 30 years’   family, your friends or
             Council, and I hope I can   be tackling mental health   experience in archive and   just challenge yourself
             do the role justice.        and wellbeing through a    records management and is    with a target time?
                                         culture of creativity, art   the author of several books   Come and be part of
             “My charities will be       and music.”                about the history of the city   4,000 runners taking part
             Onside Advocacy and                                    and county.                  across the weekend!
             Severn Arts.                Cllr Gregson was leader of
                                         the City Council’s Labour   Cllr Louis Stephen is       Find out more and sign up
             “Drawing inspiration from   group for 21 years, before   the new Deputy Mayor       at
             my grandad’s twin, who      stepping down last month.  of Worcester.
             Improvements at city swimming pool

             The pool hall at Perdiswell Leisure   have also arranged for their members
             Centre has temporarily closed for the   to be able to swim at other locations,
             installation of new tiling, to provide an   including Malvern Splash.
             improved anti-slip surface for users of
             both the main eight-lane pool and the   Freedom Leisure’s gyms, exercise
             smaller multi-use pool.              classes, outdoor pitches and tennis
                                                  courts remain open and extra
             The work is going well and the pool is on   programmes have been added to
             schedule to re-open in mid-September.  ensure residents have plenty of
                                                  opportunities to stay active over
             Freedom Leisure, which operates the   the summer.
             leisure centre on behalf of Worcester
             City Council, has made arrangements   To discuss swimming arrangements
             for members and customers to         while the pools are closed, please
             continue their swimming lessons at   call Perdiswell Leisure Centre on     Perdiswell
             other pools in the city and county. They   01905 457189.                   Leisure Centre

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