Page 15 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 15                                                                                    15

                                                                                           COMMUNITY GRANTS

             Street party fun

             Last year’s first Worcester City Street Party,
             held at Stanley Road in the Autumn half-term

             break, took place after organisers received
             funding of £850 from the Small Grants pot.

             The road was closed to traffic for two   band, sports activities, crafts for adults
             hours so that residents could enjoy   and children as well as local agencies
             a vibrant afternoon of food, music,   showcasing their services.
             laughter and community spirit.
                                                  “The enthusiastic help and support
             Co-organiser Michelle Buckland said:   of Worcester City Council’s
             “We delivered a fun, interactive, social   Community Engagement team was
             event for residents around Stanley   invaluable. A future festival seems an
             Road, which included food, a ukulele   attractive proposition.”

              Stanley Road Street Party © Paul Edwards

             Grants up for grabs

             Worcester city councillors have agreed to continue providing
             over £500,000 worth of funding to support arts and community
             organisations over the next five years.

             Arts organisations have faced a      to several long-standing partners,   worth between £2,000 and £5,000.
             particularly challenging time over   including Worcester Theatres,        Decisions regarding these grants
             the past two years and Worcester     Worcester Community Trust,           are made at the beginning of
             City Council is fully committed to   Worcester Wheels and the Three       each month, so community groups
             strengthening the local cultural     Choirs Festival.                     are recommended to apply for
             offers and supporting community                                           grants at least two months before
             organisations that have given a      Sarah-Jane Morgan, Chief             their event.
             great deal of assistance to residents   Executive of Worcester Theatres,
             in recent times.                     says, “I am delighted that the       Funding is available to community
                                                  City Council continues to strongly   groups, charities and voluntary
             Councillor Marc Bayliss, Leader      support our organisation through     sector organisations to support
             of Worcester City Council, says,     this grant. It’s a clear indication of   new community projects in
             “The arts play an important role in   their desire to ensure the cultural   Worcester. All applications must
             attracting visitors to Worcester and   sector remains strong in our city.”  provide match-funding equal to the
             boosting our economy. Our aim in                                          amount of funding requested – but
             awarding these grants is to give     GRANTS FOR COMMUNITIES               the good news is that funding can
             local organisations some financial   The City Council also aims           be entered as volunteer hours and
             certainty for the future, so they can   to support the many smaller       gifts in kind, so nothing is stopping
             plan ahead with greater confidence.”  community groups in the city. To    you from applying!
                                                  help them, a Small Grants pot of
             The Council is providing funding     £74,165 has been created, from           Find out more and apply:
             totalling over £275,000 per year     which groups can apply for grants      W:

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