Page 11 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2022
P. 11                                                                                   11

          “If we can provide young people
          with the facts to enable them to
          make informed, healthy and safe
          choices in life, we will have helped
          to make Worcester a safer place for
          the future.”

          The statue will be the focus for a
          full programme of public activities,
          including a Youth Day on Saturday
          19 March that will have a range of
          activities including music and live
          performances. All young people are
          welcome to attend.

          During The Angel’s visit, there will
          also be a knife and weapons amnesty;
          it will be an opportunity to get rid of
          knives and other weapons without any
          questions being asked and without
          fear of reprisals. It is hoped that this
          will help in turning the tide on violent
          and aggressive behaviour, and that
          the Knife Angel’s presence will help
          many people who carry weapons to
          reconsider why they do and take the   Worcester City Council’s           You can find out more about
          opportunity to get rid of them.      Community Safety and Youth          The Knife Angel by visiting
                                               Intervention Team have helped
          An amnesty box, locked and           bring the Knife Angel to Worcester.   show-areas/the-knife-angel-official
          protected by 24/7 security, will be   They coordinate projects to
          situated in Cathedral Square, next to   reduce crime and disorder in        For more information:
          The Angel. It will be emptied at the   south Worcestershire and work       W:
          end of The Angel’s time in the city,   with partners to respond to            theknifeangel
          and the weapons safely disposed of.   specific problems affecting a        E:
          In some cities, up to 250 weapons    neighbourhood such as anti-social
          have been placed in the amnesty box   behaviour.                           T:  07788 570288
          while The Angel is on display.

          West Mercia Police and Crime          Youth
          Commissioner John Campion
          supported Worcester City Council in
          bringing the Knife Angel to the city,
          with his office donating funding. He   Day
          says, “Knife crime is a cultural issue
          that we need to tackle as a society.   Saturday 19 March,

          “As Commissioner I am committed       12 noon to 4pm
          to playing my part in this societal   Cathedral Square
          change. This means tackling crime
          at the root through education,        A fun day packed with activities to help young people and families
          prevention and ensuring the police    engage with the issues of knife crime, violence and aggression.
          are well resourced for enforcement.
          The Knife Angel is iconic and         Take part in an interactive        questions relating to knife crime
          continues to make an impact,          virtual reality experience on the   within the games.
          particularly with the workshops and   theme of knife crime with The
          preventative work linked to its arrival.   Round Midnight Virtual Reality   Share a musical performance by
          We are all aware of the devastating   Education Company.                 local knife crime and mental health
          impact of knife crime and having                                         campaigner Kate Dowdeswell.
          this clear visual reminder will play   Have a go at archery and enjoy    Enjoy urban and pop sounds with a
          another part in helping to keep our   the giant Jenga with hidden        local DJ throughout the afternoon.
          communities safe.”

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