Page 13 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
P. 13                                                                                   13

                                                                                             the city and its role in the
           Severn Centre for Wellbeing
           – artist’s impression                                                             fall of apartheid.
                                                                                             INCREASE HERITAGE
                                                                                             TOURIST NUMBERS
                                                                                             Develop the national profile
                                                                                             of The Commandery, a
                                                                                             historic site whose story is
                                                                                             central to the ending of the
                                                                                             English Civil War.

                                                                                             Modernise the story of
                                                                                             the Worcestershire Soldier
                                                                                             at the City Museum and
                                                                                             Art Gallery.

                                                                                             Enhance the Guildhall’s
                                                                                             appeal to tourists – one
                                                                                             of the most beautiful civic
                                                                                             buildings in England.
          UNLOCK SHRUB               they can offer high-quality   MAKING THE MOST OF
          HILL’S POTENTIAL           training in deprived        WORCESTER’S RIVERSIDE       Provide a new arts
          Redevelop the First        communities. Help           Improve landscaping and     exhibition space in the
          Bus Depot site and use     people to develop basic     signage – particularly for the   city centre.
          this canal-side area to    IT skills and offer more    route from the High Street
          build 350 new homes        arts and cultural activities,   down Copenhagen Street.  WHO MADE THE BID
          and create 2,000m² of      as part of The Arches –                                 Members of the Worcester
          commercial/employment      Worcester initiative.       Work with the Canal and     Town Deal Board are:
          space.                                                 River Trust to provide      Worcester City Council,
                                     Create a second ‘Building   commercial and leisure      Worcestershire County
          Create a new pedestrian    Block’ construction skills   moorings. Offer toilets and   Council, Worcester
          and cycle route between    centre in Dines Green,      other facilities at Diglis.  Cathedral, Sanctuary
          the Shrub Hill Railway     following the success of                                Housing, Worcester
          Station, Shrub Hill        the existing one in the     Support redevelopment of    Community Action, St.
          Regeneration area and      Warndon Community           the River Sports Club to    Peter’s Parish Council,
          the city centre.           Centre. This would          provide public facilities.  Warndon Parish Council,
                                     provide training in skills                              Worcester Muslim
          Create a 3,000m²           such as bricklaying,        Open up public access       Welfare Association, the
          Enterprise Centre and      plastering and plumbing.    to the Cathedral            Member of Parliament
          build approximately 100                                Gardens and Bishop’s        for Worcester, the
          new homes on the current   IMPROVED TRANSPORT          Palace Gardens.             Worcestershire Local
          Isaac Maddox House         LINKS WHICH                                             Enterprise Partnership,
          site. This would act as a   CONNECT PEOPLE TO          Support Worcestershire      the University of
          catalyst for business start-  OPPORTUNITIES            County Cricket Club to      Worcester, the Heart of
          up and growth, providing   Create new walking and      create a Museum and         Worcestershire College,
          a range of co-working      cycling routes, connecting   Visitor Centre, celebrating   Worcester BID and
          and individual business    neighbourhoods to           the history of the sport in   Severn Arts.
          spaces as well as advice   opportunities for
          and training.              employment, education
                                     and leisure.
          TO DEVELOP                 Build the proposed Kepax
          NEW SKILLS                 bridge across the river at
          Help Worcester             Gheluvelt Park.
          residents with no or low
          qualifications to develop   Provide secure cycle
          skills – and enable        parking in city centre and
          others to retrain to find   neighbourhood locations.
          employment in the post-
          COVID jobs market.         A city bike hire scheme
                                     would be established, to
          Support Worcester’s        include conventional and     Building Block for Dines
          community centres so       electric bikes.              Green – artist’s impression

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