Page 12 - City Life Magazine - Spring 2021
P. 12

12                                                                                    Issue 54  •  March 2021


               Worcester bids for

               £28m to transform city

              Shrub Hill Regeneration
              – artist’s impression

             In addition to the £17.9m of High Street funding set out on the previous

             two pages, Worcester City Council has submitted a further bid to the
             Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund. It has made a compelling case for
             a further £27.9m investment, which if successful would deliver long-term

             economic growth for the city and support recovery from COVID.

             Last year Worcester was one of       The Worcester Towns Fund             from COVID-19 and would help to
             101 towns across the UK to be        Board, which comprises 14 local      meet the local and national nursing
             given the opportunity to create a    organisations, reached out to        and health professional shortage.
             Town Investment Plan (TIP), making   residents and businesses to get a
             a compelling pitch for the funding.   broad range of local views on how the   The former Worcester News building
                                                  investment could be spent.           on Hylton Road would be converted
             “Worcester is a city of many                                              into a 4,000m² facility to house
             strengths, but we also have          177 suggestions were put forward,    nursing, physiotherapy and medical
             considerable challenges too. This    which were whittled down to a final   training – including an anatomy lab
             comprehensive plan will invest in    shortlist of six proposals.          for 50-100 students. The site would
             training for all and provide more                                         include a GP practice as well as
             opportunities for our deprived       Worcester expects to hear the        on-site therapy and rehabilitation
             communities,” says the City          outcome of its £28m bid to central   clinics, contributing to the needs of
             Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr        Government by 31 March 2021.         the local community.
             Adrian Gregson.
                                                  Here is a rundown of what’s in the TIP.  This major expansion would
             “It will also expand Worcester’s                                          build on the University of
             tourist economy by enhancing         BUILD A SEVERN CENTRE FOR            Worcester’s expertise in widening
             our heritage assets and investing    HEALTH AND WELLBEING                 participation. It would create more
             further in the riverside. As we      Situated on the Severn riverbank in   opportunities for local people from
             recover from the pandemic, this      the centre of Worcester, this would   disadvantaged communities to
             plan will ensure that the city and   be a major new regional centre to    enter health professions and gain
             the people who live here can         support the education and training of   employment as nurses, paramedics,
             benefit from long-term sustainable   health professionals. The Centre will   midwives, physiotherapists and
             growth.”                             make a vital contribution to recovery   occupational therapists.

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