Page 10 - City Life Magazine - Summer 2021 Edition
P. 10

10                                                                                      Issue 55  •  July 2021



             happens to

             my rubbish?

             We go on a mission to track

             what happens to the waste you
             put in your bin.

             In recent years, there’s
             been a huge drive to
             encourage us all to
             recycle and re-use
             more. But how can we
             be confident that the
             rubbish in our bins is
             being put to good use?

             First, let’s start with the
             basics – what exactly
             should go in the green bin?
             • Plastic packaging which is
               a bottle, pot, tray or tub
               (not black plastic)
             • Paper, card, cardboard
               and cartons (squashed flat)
             • Glass bottles and jars    your green bin is taken    the county. Severn Waste    metals and glass. They are
             • Steel and aluminium cans  to EnviroSort, a facility   is responsible for safely   then despatched for further
             • Items put in the green bin   based in Norton.        disposing of anything you   processing at a range of
               should be free from food                             put in your green or black   plants based in the UK.
                                         EnviroSort is run by       bin at home, or anything
             WHO COLLECTS                Severn Waste Services      you take to a Household     Everything in the
             YOUR WASTE?                 (,     Recycling Centre.           green bin is sent for
             Your bins are collected     a company contracted by                                reprocessing unless it is
             every week by staff from    Worcestershire County      At EnviroSort, the materials   a ‘contaminant’ – an item
             Worcester City Council.     Council to dispose of      are separated into batches   which cannot be recycled
             From there, waste from      domestic waste across      of plastics, cardboard,     in the kerbside collection,

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