Page 3 - City Life Magazine - Autumn 2022
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          Welcome                                                                    4-5:   News

          I hope all our readers have had      The regeneration of the city centre   7:     Joint Leader’s
          a wonderful summer – there has       is forging ahead – we’re now in the          message
          certainly been plenty of sunshine    third phase of improving the street
          and Worcester has never looked       scene with new paving, signage,       10-11:   Help with the cost of
          prettier or had such a spectacular   seating and litter bins. On p.14-15          living crisis
          show of flowers!                     you can learn about this and other
                                               big projects that are in the offing,   12-13:   Greener Worcester
          The City Council’s                                    all helping to
          biodiversity                                          make Worcester       14-15:   The changing face of
          programme is really                                   a nicer place to            Worcester
          taking off – we                                       live – and attract
          have patches of                                       more people to       16:    Meet the Mayor
          wildflowers on                                        visit.
          our grass verges,                                                          17:    Park Life
          wildflower meadows                                    This is, of course,
          in our parks and                                      a very tough time    22-23:  What’s on in Worcester
          green spaces – and                                   for many people              this autumn
          of course, hanging                                   with the rising
          baskets to brighten                                  cost of living,       24:     What’s happening at
          up the city streets.                                 spiralling energy            Worcester’s Museums
          It’s great news for                                  bills and huge
          bees and butterflies                                 price increases in    26:     Helping city businesses
          – and a cheering                                     shops. Worcester
          sight for us all. See                                City Council          27:    Community Life:
          p.12-13 to find out                                 declared a cost-of-           a new festival
          more about greener                                  living emergency
          Worcester – and the rare orchid that   in July and is working with local   28:     Housing
          has been spotted in our meadows      partners to help those in hardship.
          this year.                           See p.10-11 for information on
                                               where to go for advice and a          Worcester City Council does not accept
          I was particularly proud that we were   helping hand during these difficult   responsibility for or endorse any products
                                                                                     or services offered by advertisers. All
          this year awarded FIVE Green Flags   times.                                information correct at time of printing.
          – four for our city parks and one for
          Astwood Cemetery – and all in the    David Blake                           All event details correct at the time of
          year that Gheluvelt Park marked its   Managing Director                    going to press.
          centenary. Find out more on p.17.    Worcester City Council                Printed on environmentally friendly
                                                                                     paper from renewable sources. When
                                                                                     you have finished with this magazine
                                                                                     please recycle it.
          BENGALI                              PUNJABI
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                                                                                     Front cover image:
                                                                                     Gheluvelt Park

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