Page 7 - City Life Magazine - Autumn Edition
P. 7                                                                                    7

                                                                                         LEADER’S MESSAGE

                                              Dear Residents,                      sites to get rid of bulky waste. For
                                              While not quite back to normal yet,   details of when the service is in your
                                              life is returning to something more   area please look at www.worcester.
                                              recognisable than the experience we
                                              have all lived through over the last
                                              eighteen months. The success of the   In total, we are spending over
                                              vaccine rollout has finally enabled   £600,000 extra this year on cleaning
                                              us to look forward with some         and helping Worcester to recover
                                              confidence again and, at the City    from the effects of COVID. This is only
                                              Council, we are gearing up our work   possible thanks to the great support
                                              to help the city recover.            we received from the Government
                                                                                   during the pandemic - which means
                                              As a new Conservative administration   that we are well-placed to open up
                                              we have set out a number of specific   and welcome residents and tourists
                                              activities we want to see over the   back to our beautiful city.
          Marc Bayliss                        coming months to help people and
                                              businesses bounce back.              Over the next few weeks we will
                                                                                   be announcing further initiatives,
                                              Firstly, we have said that we want to   including discounted car parking to
                                              see a demonstrable improvement       encourage even more people to visit
                                              in the standard of cleansing right   and spend time in Worcester. We will
                                              across the city. This means more     also be beginning to see the start of
                                              bins being located in the right places   regeneration projects made possible
                                              and enough collections to stop them   thanks to almost £40 million we have
                                              from overflowing. We also want to    been allocated by the Government.
                                              see more street cleaning, especially   Our plans to improve the area around
                                              in areas such as the High Street and   Angel Street, Foregate Street and St
                                              riverside, where there are lots of   Nicholas Street are progressing well
                                              people and activity.                 and will certainly improve the look of
                                                                                   the city for anyone arriving at Foregate
                                              We have also said that we want more   Street station. The money will also
                                              action to tackle the growing problems   help us create a brand new theatre at
                                              associated with gulls. We have       the site of the former Scala cinema.
                                              doubled the budget for this work and
                                              now have a hawk being flown most     I believe confidence in our city and
                                              days of the week to disperse the gulls   its future is rising and Worcester has
                                              and stop them plaguing residents and   much to look forward to over the
                                              tourists alike.                      coming months and years.

                                              We have also invested extra money    Kind Regards,
                                              in ensuring the return of the Saturday   Marc
                                              Skip service at various locations across
                                              the city. These skips allow residents   Councillor Marc Bayliss
                                              who can’t get to household waste     Leader – Worcester City Council

           Keeping Worcester’s streets                            Artist’s impression of how the new route
           and parks clean and tidy                               from Foregate St to The Arches could look

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